Wedding GUEST Vows
• When I receive a wedding invitation, I will promptly return the RSVP card and realize that the bride has probably sorted them into little piles. It's not good enough to call or e-mail. Use the RSVP card.
• I will observe and comply with the "RSVP by" date, realizing that the bride and groom are inundated with details and must give firm guarantees to various caterers and event planners.
• If in doubt, I will refer to an etiquette guide and do things "right." For example, if the invitation is for a couple, I will not phone to ask the bride if I can bring children and friends!
• I will not phone the bride and groom days before the wedding and begin the conversation by saying, "I can just imagine that you must be swamped with your wedding planning details right now and I hate to bother you with this, but I was wondering if....”