George Walther's "Speaking from Experience" Blog

George Walther is an internationally acclaimed expert at boosting personal performance. He's a professional speaker of the highest caliber, and is widely published.

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Location: Seattle, Washington, United States

George Walther is an internationally acclaimed expert at boosting personal performance. He's a professional speaker of the highest caliber, and is widely published. His focus areas are: Improving communication effectiveness with "Phone Power" and "Power Talking" techniques, Making customer relationships more profitable using "Upside-Down Marketing" strategies, and Honing intuitive decision-making using "Gut-Level Leadership" principles. George's books, audio programs, and video training tapes have been published around the world in many languages. Phone Power shows people in every profession how to be more effective and efficient every time they use their telephones. Power Talking is a practical guide to communicating more positively and powerfully. Upside-Down Marketing revolutionizes traditional sales philosophies by focusing on the most profitable -- and the most overlooked -- sales opportunities among existing and former customers.

Friday, September 07, 2007

Confessing My Secret: I'm an Addict

I've kept a secret for years. Only my wife and closest friends know that I have an addiction problem I've denied, and have now finally faced. After many attempts to manage my habit with various schemes designed to reduce my intake, all have failed. I wouldn't admit how it had taken over my life.

There's only one way for me: COLD TURKEY. When there's a substance you use habitually and can't seem to control, the only solution is to remove the supply. Totally.

I've told myself that I can gradually scale back; that I can resist the ever-present temptation. I can't. I'm powerless. It's stronger than I am.

Now that I'm willing to reveal the truth, I'm shocked at just how hooked I've been. Daily, I've "gone to the fountain" at least three or four times. I thought my life would feel empty if I didn't get my fix. Like any "junkie," I had the enabling equipment stashed around the house in various places. Often, right out in the open, though I hoped visitors wouldn't notice just how bad my habit had become. I'd start each morning with a hit before even getting out of bed. Another dose at lunch, then at 5:30 and again at 6:00. Ivariably, my night ended, in bed, with a final fix "to help me get to sleep," I told myself.

Now, it's over and I'm coming out with the embarassing truth: I've been a TV news addict for years. The only way I've been able to successfully manage my habit is to have no TV in the house. It's WONDERFUL! I feel so much better now. I'm back in control of my life. Google provides all the headlines I really need. Sure, I miss "Grey's Anatomy" and pine for "60 Minutes," but I'm doing OK. Now, I read and think. Life's better now. I realize that I'm in recovery, and always will be.

Perhaps you're an addict, too. I urge you to see how beautiful life is when you don't know about all those rapes and murders. I've tried timers and ration plans, but the only thing that has worked for me is to remove all televisions from my home. Do yourself a favor and try it. Cut your umbilical.


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